In the past years the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) has become a leading international forum for key stakeholders of the energy sector. High-level policymakers, industry, science and civil society are given the opportunity to share their experiences and ideas on a safe, affordable and environmentally responsible global energy transition. Over 2,000 participants from more than 90 countries, 50 foreign and energy ministers and state secretaries, and over 100 high-level speakers gather in the German capital every spring to be part of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue.
There is a global understanding to reach climate neutrality by 2050. To achieve this, the world needs a Global Green Deal with the transformation of the energy systems at its heart. The tools are in our hands! Collaboration of politics, industry, science and civil society in a new multilateral framework is a precondition for a global green transition. Policymakers need to provide the right framework to combine national realities with global goals.
The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue is hosted and supported by the German Federal Government and is a joint initiative of the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE), the German Solar Association (BSW-Solar), the German Energy Agency (dena) and eclareon.
Between conferences, the Green Sofa travels to various events worldwide to promote the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue and global energy supply and climate change issues.
The recent 7th Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue was held under the Motto: “Energiewende – Towards Climate Neutrality” 16-17 March 2021. Due to the pandemic, the conference took place as a virtual event from the Federal Foreign Office. Virtually, over 20.000 participants made this event a great success. We hope to see you all in person in March 2022 in Berlin!
Until then, you can enjoy the most memorable videos from BETD online.