Maria Chiara Pastore is Head of Research at Stefano Boeri Architetti and associate professor at the Politecnico di Milano. Her work include the research for the implementation of an improved green system in the Greater Milan 2030, Forestami (Milano 2030), the production of the Water Vision for the Masterplan of Tirana (Albania) 2030, the “Safer house construction guidelines” for the country of Malawi, Ministry of Housing (GFDRR); the “Master plan for the City of Dar es Salaam”, in Tanzania, Ministry of Lands Housing Human Settlements Development, the Master plan for EXPO 2015 in Milan (with Stefano Boeri Architetti). She has been consultant to the World Bank, member of the scientific committee of the World Forum on Urban Forests, visiting professor at TU Graz. In 2018 she published the book “Reinterpreting the relationship between water and Urban Planning. The case of Dar es Salaam”, with Routledge.