B2G Forum with the German Industry – Colombia

This Business-to-Government Dialogue fosters exchange between the German energy industry and high-ranking government officials this year from Colombia. During this year’s session, the German industry representatives have the opportunity to obtain valuable information on the current legal and economic framework of the country in question. The focus will be on different aspects on national energy strategies and recent developments of high-level government speakers.

Economics of a Green Structural Change

The Green Recovery is a broadly used term nowadays. People and states put their hopes in the concept in order to both achieve their renewable energy and climate targets and overcome the economic downturn due to Covid-19 pandemic. But also in the longer run a structural change towards a greener and more sustainable economic system is needed in order to ensure both adequate living conditions for every species on earth and economic prosperity.

How can we integrate green structures into our economic systems? How can Covid-recovery measures trigger a strong momentum for green growth? Which measures need to be undertaken? What is the role of the energy transition in that regard?

This closing session seeks to explore these questions and to draw conclusions, by looking at it from a scientific point of view. It is also a wonderful opportunity to give an outlook and to take a look back at the different topics of the conference and examine their validity for bringing a green structural change in our economic systems.

Conference Opening / Keynote

Arguably no other crisis facing us today is as all-encompassing as the changing climate. Every country, every age group, every level of society is threatened by the manifold adverse effects of climate change. Only by marshalling a truly global and collective effort to contain these developments can we guarantee a prosperous and secure future. This task concerns everyone, everywhere. That is why the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue invites policymakers, industry representatives, young generational leaders, and civil society to exchange ideas and views on these issues. This year, the conference will be opened by the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Heiko Maas and the Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy, Peter Altmaier. The opening keynote speech will be held by the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and young climate activists from all over the globe: Vanessa Nakate, Climate Activist, Fridays for Future Uganda & Brianna Fruean, Climate Activist & Pacific Climate Warrior, Samoa/New Zealand.