International Dynamics of Hydrogen

In the international context, energy has always been a key issue due to national interests and security. The abundance of oil and gas in an energy exporting country and the dependency on the import of fossil fuels in the recipient country heavily influence their economic and political relations. Meanwhile, the reality of climate change is forcing the international community to explore cleaner, more sustainable forms of energy, which may lead to a reshuffling of traditional energy partnerships and impact international trade relations. With the rise of technologies for renewable energy generation, new structures of cooperation and competition are emerging. Especially the production of and demand for green hydrogen as an alternative fuel and as a method of storing energy has the potential to change international relations based on resource abundance and technological capabilities. New players are entering the global energy market, especially countries with an abundance of renewable energy sources and producers of electrolysis technology. However, international fossil fuel infrastructure, such as pipelines and storage tanks, could become assets for the reliable transport and distribution of green hydrogen. How will countries respond to and capitalize on this reconfiguration of international energy relations?